Winter chills bring cozy comforts but also unwelcome colds and flu. While these illnesses are usually uncomfortable, they can be dangerous for older adults and those with weakened immunity. Fortunately, strengthening your immune system with natural supplements can give your body a fighting chance during cold and flu season. So, If you’ve got the cold or the flu, bolstering your defenses with these natural remedies.
Ginger : Ginger contains bioactive compounds like gingerols and shogaols, that have beneficial effects on your health. These bioactive compounds are phytonutrients found in many foods that have beneficial effects on your health. Studies show that these compounds have anti-inflammatory properties that may help control or reduce the risk of many illnesses, including coughs and sore throats. Ginger can help with sore throat in many ways. For example, it may provide some pain relief as an anti-inflammatory. It also boosts immunity to help fight infections that cause sore throat. Most coughs caused by sore throat are caused by viruses. This includes the common cold & flu. Cold medicine cannot kill the virus, but ginger can. Even today people often use ginger when they have cough or cold.
Honey : Honey has many natural properties that help us fight the common cold and its symptoms. Honey and cold are closely related as honey naturally helps in providing relief from sore or scratchy throat. Additionally, honey for colds boosts the immune system, which helps us recover faster and reduces the chances of common cold in the future. That is why treatment of cold with honey is very popular.
Drinking honey mixed with tea or warm lemon water is an age-old way to soothe a sore throat. But honey alone can also be an effective cough suppressant. Consuming honey regularly for cold can help treat the common cold as well as other health problems. Take a spoon or two of honey as soon as cold symptoms appear and you will be amazed to see how amazingly the various benefits of honey work.
Turmeric Milk: The onset of winter brings the season of indulgence and celebration. People enjoy hot, delicious food and celebrate festivals together. However, it also brings with it many diseases, the most common of which are cough and cold. Taking medication may provide temporary relief, but it does not eliminate the possibility of getting sick again. That’s why elders in the house always advise you to drink turmeric milk. Turmeric milk is an excellent home remedy that provides relief from cough, congestion, cold and skin related problems. It also increases the level of immunity. Its anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties protect us from many types of infections. Many doctors recommend drinking a glass of warm milk mixed with a teaspoon of turmeric every day to keep the common cold and flu.
Tulsi and black pepper decoction: When the weather changes in winter, many people get colds and coughs. This is because cold weather weakens our immunity, making us more prone to infections. But don’t worry, there’s a simple home remedy to help! You can make a drink called a “decoction” with tulsi leaves and black pepper. Just boil some water with these ingredients, then strain it and drink it when it’s warm. Tulsi leaves and black pepper helps in detoxifying the body. Apart from this, eating tulsi leaves and black pepper provides relief from stomach problems. This provides relief from constipation, gas and acidity. Tulsi has special powers that fight off infections! So, if you’re feeling under the weather with a cold or cough, try this tasty tea. It’s a natural way to feel better and stay healthy during the winter.
Gargle with saltwater: Gargling with salt water, a beloved remedy passed down for ages, provides easy relief from a sore throat. Experts recommend it with good reason: Saline solution loosens mucus, reduces inflammation, and eases pain. It can also kill the culprit virus or bacteria by changing their environment and expelling them. In addition to sore throat, salt water gargles offer potential benefits for dry cough, tonsillitis, sinus infections, and allergies. So, next time you’re feeling under the weather, give this age-old remedy a try!