Eating Disorder
You can experience disordered eating at any shape or body weight. You can be malnourished at any shape or body weight. You can experience compulsive exercise, at any body shape or weight.
For individuals who have recently recognized their eating disorder and are struggling to navigate through the whole process of recovery and reversal, please know that this can be overwhelming and you may need hand holding to come out of this while nourishing yourself at the same time.
At Nutrify with Nidhi Nigam, we support people who feel invalidated because they experience struggles with food or exercise or the diet culture to help them become healthy and have a positive relationship with food and body.
We are so fixated on weight, and we need to challenge that. Because if we are fixated on weight, we miss so many important things outside of this, in regards to our health and living life.
If you are seeking support for your relationship with food, we're here to help!